A team of specialists was assembled to deliver on the vision of the developer. The following organisations contributed in their respective fields to making Mountainlands Estate a reality

Simply See (Pty) Ltd

Developer of the Mountainlands Estate, member of the Ernet Group and founding member of the Mountainlands Nature Reserve.

Nature Net Properties (Pty) Ltd

Development consultants, specializing in wildlife properties.

Paul van Wyk Urban Economist & Planner

All planning permissions, zonations and concept planning.

Peter Coombes, De Beer and Whyte CC

Environmental consultants responsible for environmental approvals and management plans.

Environet (Pty) Ltd

Environmental consultants on road construction and roads network.

BSL Professional Services

Civil engineering, including water reticulation network.

Förtsch + Associates Architects

Estate architects responsible for Building Procedures and Architectural Guidelines as well as design of communal facilities.

Heinzelmann Dill

Quantity Surveyors for the Estate infrastructure and Ivory Lodge.

Pro-Eng Consulting

Electrical engineers responsible for design and installation of electricity supply, mainline and reticulation network.

Strauss Scher Attorneys

Specialist legal framework and structuring of Mountainlands Estate Owners Association and related documentation.

Viljoen Swanepoel Attorneys

Sale agreements and conveyancing.

Logista Auditors

Auditors of the Mountainlands Estate Owners Association