PRICE : R 6 000 000 – Full title, serviced land; Including VAT and transfer costs
Haunting montane bushveld with breath taking views down the Fourteen Streams valley, where richly folded velvet slopes rise to smoothly peaked grasslands. Bees murmur in acacia blossom. Birdsong rises from below: golden-tailed woodpecker, spook voël and black-collared barbet. Rooted among intricately veined rocks, the delight of old-time prospectors, Mountain Kirkias stand sentinel over the wooded valley with its whispering perennial stream.

Higher up the slope a few relic scratchings by the old-timers lie between False Perdepis and the black trunks of Hairy Caterpillar-pod. Tiny handmaiden moths dart and hover in the shade.
This site perches on a lightly wooded hillside half-way to everywhere, and feels connected to everything. The valley bottoms and mountain peaks are all right there, seemingly at arms’ length. A mix of grassland and wooded outcrops are where you tread and the seasons turn all of them through their independent cycles of renewal for your benefit and wonder. The north facing slope is quite steep, requiring a split-level building format, probably above and below a horizontal rocky ridge populated with Combretum, Acacia and flame flowered Pride-of-de-Kaap (Bauhinia galpinii).
The two-tier building footprint curves round the slope, accommodating a wonderfully textured outcrop of quartz veined rocks. The natural spaces separating tree clumps provide uncluttered views through about 250°. The vegetation is typical Eastern Mountain Sourveld with vigorous grass and shrub layers scattered between low-crowned woodland species such as Lannea, Peltophorum and Dombeya.
The balanced mix of plant species provides food and cover for most of Mountainlands’ animals and of course its birds. A gaggle of grey helmet shrikes flit from tree to tree; a mountain buzzard lifts effortlessly on the rising air; a black cuckoo complains from the opposite hillside. This is a dry site and all plant species are drought and fire hardy, but through the spring and summer there is always something in flower or fruit, attracting fauna of every kind.
Road access is down a short zigzag from the entrance road above and behind the site entering it from the southwest.
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